About 95% of the time lice is spread from head to head and hair to hair contact and about 5% of the time it is spread from the environment by sharing combs, brushes, bedding, bath towels and other accessories that are used on the head. You will not get lice just by being in the same room as someone with lice. They do not jump, fly, or swim! Head lice can only live on the head. They feed off of scalp blood every couple of hours and if they come off the head for some reason they will die within 24 to 48 hours! Nits are the eggs that are laid from a female louse.
Eggs are laid very close to the scalp and cannot hatch off of the head. They need warmth and moisture from the head to help incubate the (nit) egg. Once an egg is removed form the head it is no longer viable and will not hatch. Call our lice treatment center , for all of your professional lice removal services on how to get rid of lice. Peoria, Phoenix. Scottsdale. and more.